

Obtain a second-hand dealer license

We, MANOA CO., LTD. is pleased to announce that it has obtained a “Secondhand Goods Dealer” license as of November 8, 2024. With this new license, the company has expanded into a new business domain, including the purchase and sale of secondhand goods, and has established a system to provide even greater value to our customers.

Background of the License Acquisition
Until now, our business has primarily focused on new products. However, in response to the growing demand for sustainable lifestyles and the reuse market, we have been preparing to enter the secondhand goods trade. With the acquisition of the Secondhand Goods Dealer license, we are now able to handle a more diverse range of products and strengthen our efforts to provide environmentally conscious services.

Future Business Expansion
Moving forward, we will work to enhance our buy-and-sell services and create a user-friendly environment for customers through online platforms to promote the circulation of secondhand goods. Additionally, we are committed to ensuring the authenticity and quality of our products, providing reliable services to our customers.

Notice based on the Secondhand Goods Dealer Law
Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
License No. 301042421237